Summer is most definitely the best time of the year to visit Russia. Come in summer and you will fall in love with the wide avenues and long blocks of flats on both sides.
All those are proudly standing with the background made of endless pure light-blue sky decorated with fluffy as if carefully blenched clouds. This very image evokes the notion of people happily living in socialism in a single country (otdelno vzyatoi strane) as this is how Russian (at that time – Soviet) cities were planned.
Yet, pompous new residential buildings and construction sites of shopping malls
bring you home in realization that the country while carrying its inherited Soviet outfit cannot wait to dress up in a Western style, or, to be more precise, what is understands to be a Western style.
You will fall in love with the nature that comes in the mind-blowing variety. Enjoying the nature does not necessarily bring you outside the cities. At this time of the year fresh greenery invades even urban settlements and truly reins there.
Similarly, you do not need to travel far to find wide gracious rivers,
quiet and humble looking lakes, colorful meadows,
enormous green and golden fields with rows of birch trees along the highways, coniferous forests with bushes of wild raspberry and scarlet drops of wild strawberry.
Early mornings and late nights are best to enjoy the rich aromas and sounds of the fresh air filled in with the smell of mushrooms, berries and blossoming flowers, cries and songs of the forest birds and animals.
You will love Russian people and the way they enjoy summers. In fact, in summer people tend to have more spare time than usually: they sneak out the office a bit earlier to get to a beach, to join a group of friends for a summer ride, to go to their house in the countryside, to treat themselves to a pint of cold beer at an open-air café. Work is removed from the list of priorities for this period of time: everyone accepts the idea that nothing can really get done during summer months so why to bother….You feel a festival in the air!.. In Russia people celebrate summer with the every day of it. People take their cars, load those with food, family members and friends and go to the nature. In every city and town you can easily reach a decent forest and a river’s bank, which get densely packed these days. People swim and sunbath, they play badminton, beach volleyball and cards, they fish and cook the simplest, yet the yummiest I know fish soup on fire, they share huge meals with grilled marinaded meet, drink bear, wine and vodka, they sleep and lazy around.
Around those picnic/BBQ destinations you’ll see masses of bodies in bikinis: irrespective to the physical shape people get undressed wishing to feel closer to nature and get blessed by sun.
For longer outings people go to the countryside where many of Russians have small houses and kitchen gardens,
so to enjoy creamy fresh milk, next-to-orange egg yolks and therefore - excellent gradma's pies,
to relax in the calm and the silence of the village life, to live simple life with basic facilities, to inhale the fresh air where food shared outside tastes better,
wine and volka pour easier, and one gets either restless weeding the beds or lazing around and catching up with the so-hard-to-get-in-the-cities rest in the shades of branchy orchards and again – to undress, to sunbath, to swim!..
No doubt, you will go crazy about Russian girls.
Only those living in the countries with long winters can truly appreciate summer. Dreams of revealing their juicy amenities were cherished by the girls wrapped in fur coats and hats during never-ending cold months. So, now she wears a transparent blouse, or if not a transparent blouse, then a spaghetti top, and if not a spaghetti top, then a deep décolleté. And mini-skirts or tiny shorts, showing the fruits of hard work in a solarium or a first mover advantage of an early beach-goer. Open tops and mini-skirts are combined with high heels, bright make-up and romantic hairstyles, which creates a highly festive atmosphere on the streets. Did not long cold winters filled in with the anticipation buy the right to expose as much of their bodies as they can? At least, this is very appreciated by the sun that does not burn but tenderly petting bare skin and by men who cannot believe their luck these days?!
Come, come, come - Russia in summer is a best tourist package with “all inclusive” by nature!