India: scientific approach to a mystery

I am already at home in Russia, yet there is so much more to write about India. I'll continue posting here, so keep an eye on this blog. I set up my old-and-new blog about Russia HERE - you may also check out that one now and then. Also, slowly but surely I am uploading the pics from the travels on which I haven't posted yet at the upgraded (hurra!) Yahoo.

Location: Russia

Friday, September 01, 2006

Blessed with ice-cream, coffee and great people

Melted-till-the-perfect-consistence vanilla ice-cream and slowly clouding your mind, yet sharp aroma of freshly made coffee luxuriously available at the house are perfect accompaniments for smoothly flowing talks we are having on the spacious balcony of Lajpat Nagar. The more of either you get – the more it feels indulging creamy treat, aromatic coffee and time with really great people who has become so dear within a short time span.

One more time Lajpat had gone through a major clearance both stuff- and people-wise, so it felt really refreshed, settled and calm. Olivier had got back from his trip around India and everyone was totally happy to spend some time with him before he flies home. Newly formed 911 team - Markus, Roel and Stephanie - got back from Françoise, and nervously smoking, told us about the weird case. The discussion on work culture in India that I had planned for that night, that seemed a bit awkward to carry out in such settings after all and that eventually took place and turned really insightful. So much you can do with great people irrespective to the circumstances.


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