India: scientific approach to a mystery

I am already at home in Russia, yet there is so much more to write about India. I'll continue posting here, so keep an eye on this blog. I set up my old-and-new blog about Russia HERE - you may also check out that one now and then. Also, slowly but surely I am uploading the pics from the travels on which I haven't posted yet at the upgraded (hurra!) Yahoo.

Location: Russia

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Pre-Diwali weekend fuss

The overwhelmingly happening weekend could have left me in a very confused state of mind if I were to think. Yet, as I do not do so, my state of mind can be comfortably described as tired. Indeed, festival of Indian classical dance, more and more time spent with the flatmates and masses of other people on the scene and behind it, Diwali bazaar and Mela, dance contest of the street and working kids. Kate - who is far in the North-East with her parents these days, Claudia - this impressively wholesome independent woman who is managing to give me both loads of personal space and amazing company, Karo - who has returned after her last traveling session to leave the country next Sunday and with whom we are re-inventing our relationship in the new settings of our old flat, Karan – with reasonability and patience of a mature men and pranks of a small boy, and Ben - who generously shared his awesome photographs and experiences and whom we happily hosted during his last days in India - they all could be definitely called the people of the weekend. Again, my (un)ability to prioritize is challenged – on what to post first?


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